I finally wrote another poem! This one has been gestating for ages but somehow just wouldn't come together to inhabit the vision I had for it. I'm so grateful that it has finally connected up at last. Hope you enjoy it and find it as meaningful to read as I found writing it...


Always this fading, always this flowering

The night failing, the dawn fleeing

The winter keening for the coming spring

Always this fleeting, always this falling

The seed hungering for the harvest and

The harvest felled that other lives may grow

Always this ailing, always this healing

The breathing in and the breath let go

Stripped out and given to the wild airs

Always this breaking, always this birthing

Behind us birth is gasping, grave gaping

Ahead to feed the all-corroding soil

Till at this crux, where North, South, East and West

Converge in nails upon the embodied All

A death is died that is the death of death

And at His tomb a breath is breathed that

Spits out stone and Life Himself steps out 

To walk all ways with us and Spring is 

