
Showing posts from July, 2024
 Bottom I hope that others look on me as deep, Witty, perhaps, serene and debonair: But I’m known by the company I keep And I’ve got you behind me everywhere. Others I try to approach with dignity To give a good impression to their mind: I turn to go, another view of me Presents – yours is the face I leave behind. My softest paper shows consideration, I faithfully transport you to the loo: Why must you interrupt my conversation And air what hardly passes for your view? Prelates and professors, potentates, Please don’t look down on me for my poor bottom: Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and William Gates, And Taylor Swift - you all know you’ve got ‘em. Almighty Lord, that has made all things well, You know our secrets, however we may hide. You did not wish our thoughts to preen and swell: You gave us bottoms to bring down our pride.
 NEWS from Sound of Many Waters This poetry blog has been going just over a year. It now has 25 poems* on it, mostly new, although one or two older ones have been freshened up and come back out into the sunshine for a new tour of duty. If you have already read Homo Disneyana, do have another look as I have added two more sections to it, following the suggestion of my friend Jon, who said there should be a sequel Since it started, Sound of Many Waters has received over 1,500 views. Frankly I'm astonished to have generated so much interest - thank you so much everyone for giving your time and attention!  It would be lovely to have your views and reponses to the poems - please use the comment button if you would like to share your opinions. Thanks! Colin. * 26 now, with publication today of Bottom.